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Judgment Is A Cry For Love And Spiritual Mastery | Integration Of Catalysts For Transformation | Spiritual Teaching

Overcoming judgment in the human experience as part of your ascension journey

In our human experience, we have learned to have judgments. It is part of the egoic structure of the mind that has formed opinions about others or experiences which may or may not be true. Judgment is not an innate function of God or comes from our true nature, but in the human experience, it does often play out subconsciously due to our conditioning until we can become conscious in the moment.

So let’s explore our part in the co-creation of the things we judge and how we can navigate judgment as a human being. Discover how you can gain mastery over judgment and instead have more love and acceptance for whatever arises in your personal reality and on a wider scale within humanity.

What We Judge In Others We Need To Integrate Within Ourselves

If you can be open to your judgments being a catalyst for healing and transformation you are loosening the tight grip of the conditioned mind already and are beginning to expand your consciousness into integrating new perspectives and bring about healing and wholeness. You are beginning to connect the dots, recognizing the interconnectedness of people and life. 

Often we have judgments towards people, other belief systems, or certain situations. They can arise after we feel an internal trigger within us and our mind starts saying this and that. Judgments often show us the “negative” qualities within us that we have not mastered. Perhaps we are judging another for being impatient, rude, selfish, too sensitive etc but maybe there is a part of ourselves that acts in those ways too or is suppressing them. 

Now when I say “negative” it's not exactly “bad”, it's more the qualities within that we haven’t allowed ourselves to love, express, embody, or simply accept. For example, we may see a beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous dress and she is beaming with confidence. Perhaps the shadow within us says “oh she is so overdressed and self-centered, shes an attention seeker.” This can reflect to us that really deep down we wished we had the courage to dress and express ourselves with confidence and empowerment. Maybe we are being invited into allowing ourselves to be more self-expressive and be authentic in how we are embodying our unique essence. Perhaps we care too much about what other people think about us and maybe there is a part of us that desires to be seen. 

So from this we can also see that often our judgments about another are not actually true. Rather it is coming from our own trauma or wounds that wish to be brought into the light and integrated so that we can have acceptance and love. Outer reflections are shown to us so that we recognize our own shadows. 

Judgment can also act as a defense mechanism to protect ourselves from being hurt by projecting our stuff onto others. Knowing this can perhaps allow us to have compassion for another who seems to be very judgemental and also to have compassion for ourselves when we feel it arise and be able to see that the medicine in the moment is our own love, compassion, presence and forgiveness.

If we can not possibly see how what we are judging and getting triggered by relates to us at all, we can at least just accept and honor the person or situation, acknowledging the diversity in life and the uniqueness of all beings. For unity and oneness is not sameness - it is accepting the unique diversity of life, knowing that everyone and everything fits in perfectly in their own way. They are Gods creation just like you.

How To Navigate Judgment

So what can we do to prevent judgment from coming up constantly in our lives? How do we deal with the judgment that seems to arise within us about life? Here are some keys to help us move through it.

  1. Integrate The Catalysts In Our Human Experience

We can see it for what it is - ultimately a call for love and healing. Really, the choice is ours - we can either open into the healing and learning experience of judgment if it does arise, or we can be in resistance or denial of it which would only reinforce it and strengthen it further…what are you choosing? Can you have self-forgiveness if the judgment does arise and welcome it with open arms instead of condemning it? Will you give it your presence and love and thank it for coming into the light of your awareness?

2. Be In A Heart-Based Consciousness State 

 As often as we can, we can live in alignment with our most natural, authentic self. We can be in a heart-centered state of consciousness, be in alignment with God and our divine presence where judgement cannot exist in the first place. In this human experience, we can operate in this state powerfully. As our hearts and minds are in coherence our natural state is seeing and acting from a higher perspective, that of love, acceptance and oneness.

3. Awareness Of Thoughts And Belief Systems In The Moment

You are not your thoughts, you are just experiencing the coming and going of thoughts. However, they are often a match to the vibrational resonance that you are currently holding and reinforce the deep beliefs you have within.

Therefore, if you find unloving thoughts arising in the mind, how about getting curious about them? How about wondering where they is coming from? Perhaps you discover a belief that has been within you since childhood that wants to alchemize and integrate.

But perhaps you may not need to go into it so deeply if you can recognize that it is false and it is stemming from your lack of sleep, stressful day, and sloppy alignment. You may know that you have been placing your conscious awareness on terrible stories in the news or engaging in gossiping. Operating from the ego and not from your true self is a call to align back with who you truly are and creating space in stillness can help with this. Therefore it can be more of a readjustment in your consciousness and energy that is required rather than a deep dive into belief systems and healing- so trust that you know what is best for you to do.

Reminder ~Judgement is not a bad or negative thing. Judgment is a wonderful teacher for us as long as we are willing to listen to it. It can only cause suffering if we resist it or take it out on another. If we hurt another with our words or actions that stem from the judgment we hold within and project it outwards, this will only cause unnecessary suffering and imbalances that will require resolution later on. So really, we may as well surrender to love.

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Feeling Judgemental? Here Is What To Contemplate

Below are a few questions for contemplation or self-inquiry. Perhaps grab a pen and journal and see what comes up for you

  • What are they reflecting back to me about what I need to integrate within myself?

  • Is my judgment towards them showing me what I really want the courage to express and embody?

  • Is this judgment true?

  • How can I love and accept them just as they are?

  • Is this a reflection of my own insecurities?

The Next Step - Operating From A Higher Conscious Awareness

Over time as we become less judgemental and the ego has less of a hold on us as our higher self consciousness and heart take the lead, we operate from a loving awareness in and towards life.

Instead of getting triggered and judgemental and being invited to go within, we are simply aware of experiences and situations in our lives and receive the message from Spirit/God in a state of presence and receptivity in the moment. We are living from our I Am presence, our higher self consciousness where we are tapped in and tuned into life and its wisdom rather than needing our buttons to be pushed and judgments to arise. We feel at One with God and life and trust in the unfolding of it and are in alignment with the will God as we live our human experience grounded and in peace and joy.

The synchronicities present themselves and we have compassion, and curiosity and ultimately hold forgiveness, acceptance, and love for ourselves and others. The coherence within our hearts and minds allow us to be a vessel for grace and we alchemize through love automatically rather than through fear and misalignment. Now this does not mean that judgments may never arise again, they can in surprising ways, but you have a strong foundation to operate from which can make integrating any catalyst more easeful and instant.

There Are No Accidents, Only Divine Synchronicity And Co-creation

Understanding judgments as a divine orchestration or divine synchronicity and co-creation can be helpful. As judgments often occur between two people or more, all involved can receive some teaching and growth that is unique to them. You all can play your part beautifully for the highest good of all involved.

There are no accidents, but rather we are a co-creator of an experience. Knowing this allows us to stay out of victim consciousness and reside in a state of curiosity, gratitude, and empowerment when a situation may arise. All people involved are part of this grand orchestration and are benefitting from it in some way. We do not need to a know how or why, but simply accept what is and use our conscious choice to be open and receive the fullness of the lesson and teaching that is here for ourselves. We can then move on with a more open heart and mind regardless of how others may react or respond.

Final Words

When we become aware of what we judge and get triggered by therein lies a powerful catalyst for healing and transformation. We can use these catalytic moments to invite us into our power and into expansion and growth. However, not all will. Some may choose to harden up, become more resistant and closed off, and become more judgemental. And that is okay, it just shows their level of safety and self-awareness and there will be more opportunities to open up to a higher state of consciousness and for integration. However, if you can harness the power of catalysts that arise throughout your human experience and meet them with an open mind and heart, you will find yourself experiencing more joy, flow, and grace.

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